Name and Surname: Specialist Dr. Mustafa SEYYAR
Place and Date of Birth: Gaziantep - 13.12.1987
Branch: Medical Oncology Specialist
Foreign Languages: English
Clinic: Medical Oncology Specialist
Education Information:
+ 2020-2023- Medical Oncology Kocaeli Univ. Faculty of Medicine - Minor Assistantship
+ 2013-2017 Internal Medicine Gaziantep University. Faculty of Medicine Expertise
+ 2010-2013 Faculty of Medicine Gaziantep Univ. Faculty of Medicine Degree
+ 2005-2009 Faculty of Medicine Gülhane Military Medical Faculty. Degree
Institutions Worked:
+ 2013-2013 Çorum Bayat State Hospital General Practitioner
+ 2013-2017 Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine Internal Medicine Assistant Dr.
+ 2017-2018 Dr. Ersin Arslan E.A.H Specialist Dr.
+ 2018-2019 Mazıdağı State Hospital Specialist Dr.
+ 2019-2020 Abdülkadir Yüksel State Hospital Specialist Dr.
+ 2020-2023 Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine Oncology Assistant Dr.
+ 2023-Present Gaziantep City Hospital Specialist Dr.
Events and Publications:
+ ROCHE Alexandra IMpassion030 in Operated Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patients
Atezolizumab (Anti-PD-L1 ant.) with Standard Adjuvant Anthracycline/Taxane Based Chemotherapy
Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Compared with Chemotherapy Alone in Combination
An Open Label Study 2022-2023 Associate Investigator WO39391
+ Roche IMforte “First-Line induction with Carboplatin, Etoposide and Atezolizumab
Participants with Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (ES-SCIC) Following Treatment
Lurbinectin with Atezolizumab Versus Atezolizumab as Maintenance Therapy
“A Phase III Randomized Open-Label, Multicenter Study Examining the Combination”2022-
2023 Assistant Researcher GO43104
+ Roche “Estrogen Receptor Positive Her2 Negative Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients
Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Adjuvan Giredestrant, Doctor's Choice Adjuvan
“Comparative, Phase 3, Randomized Open-Label Multicenter Study with Endocrine Monotherapy”
2022-2023 Assistant Researcher GO42784
+Roche heredERA “Previously untreated Her2 positive estrogen receptor positive
with Phesgo+Taxane in patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer
Versus Phesgo after induction therapy applied together with Phesgo
Phase to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of giredestrant treatment
III,Randomized, Open Label Study” 2022-2023 Assistant Investigator WO43571
+ Sanofi ‘ER (+), HER2 (-) systemic anti-cancer therapy for advanced breast cancer
SAR439859 plus palbociclib treatment with letrozole plus palbociclib in naïve patients
Randomized, multicenter, double-blind, phase 3 study comparing
Researcher EFC15935