Dr. Sıtkı Utku Akay
Branch: Radiation Oncology
Foreign Languages: English
Clinic: Gaziantep Şehir Hastanesi
High School: Karabük Mehmet Vergili Science High School; 2005-2009
Undergraduate: Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (English); 2009-2015
Residency in Radiation Oncology: Marmara University; 2016-2021
Work Experience:
Ulus State Hospital (Compulsory General Practitioner Service); 2015-2016
Marmara University Department of Radiation Oncology (Residency); 2016-2021
Gaziantep Dr. Ersin Arslan Training and Research Hospital (Compulsory Specialist Service); 2022-
Membership in Scientific Societies:
Turkish Society for Radiation Oncology
Thesis and Specialization Information:
Under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlknur Alsan Çetin, I completed my specialization thesis, titled 'Dosimetric Analysis of Patients Receiving Radiotherapy with VMAT Technique in Localized Prostate Cancer and Its Correlation with Side Effects', on January 25, 2021 before a jury consisting of Prof. Dr. Haydar Kamil Çam, Prof. Dr. Uğur Selek, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlknur Alsan Çetin.
I successfully passed the specialization exam on November 15, 2021.
-Communication skills between the relatives and the doctors of patients with cancer treated in radiation oncology: A cross-sectional questionnaire study.Turk J Oncol.;2021;36(1):505–11.doi:10.5505/tjo.
-Lymph node ratio as an independent prognostic factor for breast cancer-related mortality in patients with node-positive breast cancer.J Cancer Res Ther.;2020 Oct-Dec;16(6):1387-1392.doi:10/4103/jcrt.JCRT_1034_19.
-The oncological outcomes of postoperative radiotherapy in patients with stage II and III upper rectal cancer.Marmara Med J.;2022;35(2):225-229.doi:10/5472/marumj1121383.
-Clinical outcomes of adjuvant radiotherapy for nodal negative T1 and T2 breast cancer.Int J Radiat Res.;2022 July;20(3):601–605.doi:/10/52547/ijrr20/312.
-Prostate-specific antigen nadir within one year of radiotherapy combined with hormone therapy predicts cancer-specific mortality and biochemical recurrence-free survival in prostate cancer patients.BMC Urol.;Nov15,22(1)182.doi:/101186/s12894-/022-/01125-/I.
-Dosimetric analysis pfpatients receiving radiotherapywith VMAT techniquein localized prostatecancerand its correlationwithside effects.J CancerRes Ther.;Apr-Jun23 Apr-Jun13:(3)801807doi://1041037jcrt.jcrt162121
Oral Presentations:
-Second Series Brachytherapy in Lower Lip Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 1st Marmara Radiation Oncology Days; September 27-28, 2019.
-The Relationship Between Pretreatment Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and Treatment Response in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy. 10th National Lung Cancer Congress; May 4-7, 2023.
-Characteristics and Acute Toxicity Rates of Postoperative Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients. 22nd International Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Congress; May 11-14, 2023.
-The Relationship Between Pretreatment CRP and Acute Radiodermatitis in Postoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer Patients. 3rd Breast Cancer Symposium; May 26-28, 2023.
-The Relationship Between Pretreatment Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and Treatment Response in Rectal Adenocarcinoma Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy.6th International Cukurova Gastrointestinal Diseases and Surgery Congress with International Participation; September21–24 ,2023.
-A Case of Salvage Radiotherapy for Parotid Myoepithelial Carcinoma Due to Second Relapse.6th Young Oncologists' Perspective Congress November23–26 ,2023
-The Relationship Between Pretreatment Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and Hypothyroidism in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy.Targeted Cancer Congress March27–30 ,2024
-During and Post-Treatment Follow-up of Cervical Cancer Cases Receiving Primary Chemoradiotherapy. 22nd National Cancer Congress; April 19-23, 2017.
-Clinical Approach to a Patient Diagnosed with Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor Localized in the Cervix. 22nd National Cancer Congress; April 19-23, 2017.
-Image-Guided Adaptive Therapy in Definitive Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer. 13th National Radiation Oncology Congress; April 27 - May 1, 2018.
-Our Results of Brachytherapy and/or External Radiotherapy in Endometrial Cancer. 13th National Radiation Oncology Congress; April 27 - May 1, 2018.
-Drain Site Recurrence After Postoperative Radiotherapy in Thymoma: Case Report. 13th National Radiation Oncology Congress; April 27 - May 1, 2018.
-Radiotherapy Results of Two Cases with Hematological Malignancies with Orbital Involvement. Turkish Radiation Oncology Virtual Congress; November 20-22, 2020.
-Dosimetric Analysis of Patients Receiving Radiotherapy with VMAT Technique in Localized Prostate Cancer and Correlation with Side Effects. 14th National Radiation Oncology Congress; November 26-30, 2021.
-Long-Term Results of Curative External Radiotherapy in Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer. 14th National Radiation Oncology Congress; November 26-30, 2021.
-Long-Term Results of Postoperative Radiotherapy Applied in Prostate Cancer. 14th National Radiation Oncology Congress; November 26-30, 2021.
-Our Brachytherapy Results in Gynecologic Malignancies. 14th National Radiation Oncology Congress; November 26-30, 2021.
-Presentation of Two Cases with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma with Cervical Involvement. 14th National Radiation Oncology Congress; November 26-30, 2021.
-Our Case-Based Experience with the Leipzig Applicator in Non-Melanoma Skin Malignancies. 14th National Radiation Oncology Congress; November 26-30, 2021.
-2005 TÜBİTAK Mathematics Olympiad Black Sea 1st
-2008 TÜBİTAK Mathematics Olympiad Black Sea 1st
-2008 TÜBİTAK Biology Olympiad Black Sea 2nd
-High school 1st, 98.8 GPA
-2009 ÖSS Karabük 1st, Turkey 67th
-Turkish Radiation Oncology Association 2021 September Proficiency Written Exam 1st
Book Chapter:
-‘Radiotherapy in Oligometastatic/Oligoprogressive Prostate Cancer’ chapter in ‘Prostate Cancer’ book (chapter 25).
English Language Score:
November 2022 e-YDS: 86
Congresses, Courses, Seminars, Meetings, Symposiums I Attended:
-Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Basic Education Course 1; November 28-29, 2016, Istanbul.
-Basic Radiotherapy Physics Course for Clinicians; March 11-12, 2017, Ankara.
-22nd National Cancer Congress; April 19-23, 2017, Antalya.
-10th Multidisciplinary Neuro-oncology Symposium; May 26-27, 2017, Istanbul.
-Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Research Planning and Research Skills Acquisition Course. January 18, 19, 25, 26, 2018, Istanbul.
-Marmara University Pendik Education and Research Hospital Academic Literacy Workshop in Healthcare; February 21, 2018, Istanbul.
-Normal Tissue and Organ Contouring (ASTRO International e-Contouring) Course; March 17, 2018, Istanbul.
-Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Basic Education Course 2; March 26-29, 2018, Istanbul.
-13th National Radiation Oncology Congress; April 27-May 1, 2018, Cyprus.
-Radioimmunochemotherapy Course; October 13, 2018, Istanbul.
-GROG Spring School; March 22-23, 2019, Mardin.
-Approach to Skin Tumors Course; May 4, 2019, Istanbul.
-TROD Contouring Course; June 15-16, 2019, Istanbul.
-1st Marmara Radiation Oncology Days; September 27-28, 2019, Istanbul.
- Turkish Radiation Oncology Virtual Congress; November 20-22, 2020, Online.
-TROD Council Evenings, Ege University Pediatric Neurooncology Council; January 21, 2021, Online.
-TROD Radiotherapy Physics Distance Education Program; January 5-May 4, 2021, Online.
-TROD Council Evenings, Hacettepe University Gynecologic Oncology Council; February 18, 2021, Online.
-TROD Saturday Meetings, Current Status in Lung Cancer Treatment; March 20, 2021, Online.
-TROD Contouring Course, Contouring and Plan Evaluation Course in CNS Tumors; April 3, 2021, Online.
-Multidisciplinary Approach to Antiandrogen Suppression Therapy in Prostate Cancer; April 4, 2021, Online.
-GROG Fall Meeting; October 1-2, 2021, Hatay.
-TROD Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Course; October 16-17, 2021, Online.
-14th National Radiation Oncology Congress; November 26-30, 2021, Antalya.
-Respiratory Management Course in Radiotherapy; November 26, 2021, Antalya.
-Multidisciplinary Approach to Bone Metastases, June 4, 2022, Gaziantep.
-SBRT Education Meeting in CNS and Lung Cancers; October 15, 2022, Online.
-ESTRO Online Delineation Workshop on OaR Abdomen; December 6-13, 2022, Online.
-10th National Lung Cancer Congress; May 4-7, 2023, Kuşadası.
-22nd International Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Congress; May 11-14, 2023, Adana.
-3rd Breast Cancer Symposium; May 26-28, 2023, Cyprus.
-6th International Participation Çukurova Gastro-Intestinal Diseases and Surgery Congress; September 21-24, 2023, Adana.
-ESTRO Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiotherapy; October 10-13, 2023, Online.
-ESTRO Evidence Based Radiation Oncology; November 12-16, 2023, Budapest.
-6th Youth Perspective on Oncology Congress; November 23-26, 2023, Antalya.