There was a need for public clarification due to the allegations against Gaziantep City Hospital shared by a social media user:
· All necessary consumables, including Hepatitis B vaccine and antibiotics, and stretcher covers are available in sufficient quantities in our hospital.
· Our neonatal unit accepts patients and we currently have inpatients. There is no problem with elective deliveries and they continue regularly.
· Elective cases are taken regularly in our operating room. There are sufficient stocks of products containing polyvidone-iodine for sterilization. There is no construction work. Routine checks for technical malfunctions are carried out outside working hours. When deemed necessary in the operating room, upon notification by our staff, technical service personnel enter the operating room with a work order document in accordance with the operating room conditions.
· To date, no infection has developed in our patients after surgery. Our infection control committee carries out regular checks and reports every day.
· The claim that our employees cannot record their minutes/requests/complaints is unfounded. Many minutes/requests/complaint notifications are in our records and are meticulously examined and necessary action is taken.
· The people who can enter the operating room and the operating room rules are clear. If necessary, technical personnel directed to the operating room are admitted outside working hours and in accordance with sterile conditions.
· In order to ensure hospital security, everyone who entered the hospital was allowed in in a controlled manner with metal detectors until the systems that would distinguish between citizens and employees were put into operation. The claim that our employees' bags are searched while patients and their relatives are allowed to enter the hospital without control is unfounded.
It is not appropriate to share the photographs related to all these statements publicly as they may contain personal data and trademark information. All relevant documents have been shared with the relevant units of our Ministry.
Gaziantep City Hospital is neither the first nor the last hospital opened in our country. Our country is extremely experienced in healthcare management. Our health system is taken as an example all over the world with its employee quality and infrastructure that follows current scientific developments. Therefore, the claims that the issues that can be considered very basic in hospital management are not present/missing/improperly applied in our hospital are not only unfounded but also do not comply with logic.
It is announced to the public with respect.
Gaziantep City Hospital Chief Physician